How to get rid of a monster and get your child back.
I drink lube oil, you drink beer. I eat coal, you eat bread. You are not alive yet. I am still dead.
There are farming settlements. Phoenician ships appear. The ship's crew lays out commodities on the beach.
Babylonians; Russian Paper Currency; Payable Notes, 100, 250, 500 - 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 Roubles, due to the imprint "Workers of the World, unite" in six languages. The notes were called Babylonians.
Ein Kurzfilm von Alexander Kluge // A short by Alexander Kluge
Alexander Kluge und Sophie Kluge
Beneath the village of Vauquois, which after the battle no longer existed, German and French pioneers, carefully selected miners, dug tunnels from both sides into the hilly landscape.
Once he was a billionaire, he wanted to be a waiter again.
Once upon a time there was a wilful child who would not do as her mother wished. For this reason God had no pleasure in her and let her become ill. And no doctor could her do any good.
The Milky Way is a flat, spiraling distributed mass of stars. The cells know everything right down to the stars